Live link:
Al-Medi is a modern and comprehensive template for medical and healthcare providers. Designed for hospitals, clinics, and professionals, it combines clean design, patient-focused features, and robust functionality to deliver an exceptional online experience for all users.
2 Homepage Variations
15+ Ready to Use Pages
Multiple CMS Support
Modern & Trendy Design
Beautiful Element Animation
Fully SEO Optimised
Lifetime Free Support
Lifetime Free Updates
Refund Policy
If you encounter any issues, bugs, or complexities with the template within 10 days of purchase, you may apply for a refund. However, we will first attempt to resolve the issue on our end. If we cannot solve the problem, we will refund you.
For support: [email protected]
Once you make your purchase, you’ll receive a Framer remix link to get started right away. If you’d like the Figma file too, just send your purchase link to our support email, and we’ll be happy to send it over!
Need content updates, image replacements, or design tweaks for your Framer site? We provide quick and friendly customisation services to keep your website fresh and polished, so it always looks and works just right for you.
Design & Development Service:
Create a unique, mobile-friendly Figma design just for you.
Built on Framer Website with attention to detail and style.
Includes eye-catching animations to engage your visitors.
Optimized for SEO to boost your online visibility.
Enjoy a smooth, beautiful website that stands out and works perfectly!